Nauti Primary School pupils designed and made several models for the presentation.
The children had many innovative ideas for their future.
Staff and pupils from the local Special Educational Needs School presented their ideas in the form of models and sketches.
Students from form 7 showed a great understanding of how to overcome problems they will face in the future with careful design and planning.
Why Our Services were required
SSL were asked to organise, guide and facilitate the successful running of the climate change related “Future of Tuvalu” schools exhibition from pupils attending 3 local schools on Funafuti, Tuvalu (Nauti Primary School, Form 7 Secondary School and Funafuti Special Education Needs School ).
SSL staff facilitated the students by providing the pupils with various forms of medium to either design and make model’s or to plan and sketch their ideas to express their visions for ’ The Future of Tuvalu’ in light of a changing climate.
Some pupils chose to write and perform songs at the presentation given on the final day.
Take a look at our Tuvalu showcase project - Coastal adaptation – primary school outreach programmes within 3 Tuvaluan Atolls
The production of a UNCCD / GEF Terminal Evaluation (Monitoring and Evaluation) on Sustainable Land Management (SLM) projects were required
Two contrasting nations used focused on to provide good examples of how different land management practices are needed for different terrains (one being volcanic and effectively mountainous – the other a low lying atoll nation with limited land space).
Need expert advice on how to integrate SLM principles with implementing the customary land rights
Clear assessment of the project efficiency and cost-effectiveness
Clear identification of its strengths and weaknesses in project design and implementation,
Recommendations on design modifications that could have increased the likelihood of success.
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Helping to deliver sustainable living for coastal communities and businesses alike